Wednesday, March 30, 2011

They are all out now on kindle

    YAY!!  All the books are now available on amazon for kindle.  And all but number 8 are available in paperback on  It has been a lot of work but completely worth it.  Yesterday, I told you of an offer on how to get one book for free when you buy the set.  Well book 9 is almost done.  But what I want to talk to you about today is what do you want to know?  Do you want me to give you little snippets of each book?  How about insights into how each character was created?  Is there some scriptural conflict you would like to see written in a novel for our day?  Or is there some worthy cause that you think I should support? is and organization that helps put books into the hands of Utah families.  I learned about them through my local news and from what I have learned about them, they are worth being involved with.  Did you know that 61% of Utah low income families do not own a single book in their homes? is trying to put books in the hands of children, youth, and families.  I am donating some copies of Thordon's Shadows to them and am giving them a special discount code so they can order copies of all 8 novels at cost or close to it.  If you are able to make a donation of offer help in other ways, please go to their website orJoin us from 6am-7pm today with all our local media partners, local celebrities, personalities and more!  Support this great cause and donate now via phone by calling 855-CAN-READ (855-226-7323).

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All of the books are now available on Kindle

High folks, Just wanted to let you know that all 8 of the Thordon series will be available on kindle by tomorrow for just $9.99 each.  Books 1 through 7 are also ready now on  You can search for me and each of the series should show up ready to order.  I also wanted each of you in on a special deal.  If you purchase the entire set of 8 books between now and the day that I release The Game and Gadiumtan, I will send you a copy of this newest novel absolutely free.  To qualify for this special, either purchase the books directly from me or email me a copy of your receipt from where ever you made your purchase.
   The Game and Gadiumtan is a fantasy rendition based on the struggle against the Gadianton robbers in the Book of Mormon.  So often, it is hard to realize just what all was involved in some of the events we read about in the scriptures.  While each of the events in the story are addressed similar to how they were handled in the scriptures, it is done in a fantasy setting.
    One warning:  The subject of the Gadianton robbers is gritty and difficult.  There is no language, sex or violence in the book.  But some of the material may be too harsh for very young readers to take in without parental guidance.
    Scroll down to see the covers of all of the books available now.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

book signing today

I will be at Wisebird's Boolery at Harrison & 48th in Ogden Utah doing a book signing.  Tell everyone to come down and meet the author, get a book signed, and learn what is coming next in the Thordon series.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Updates on upcoming releases

    When you get involved in writing, it is easy to get lost in your computer screen and forget everything else exists.  Such was my plight and for this I apologize.  Books 4-7 have all been submitted and I am only waiting on approval of the files and proofs for them to be released and ready for you to enjoy.  Book 4 is titled The History & Hooey of Thordon and it is a collection of short stories within a novel type story. And yes, it has page numbers.  I was frustrated because the word processor won't let me begin page numbers at the beginning of the text.  It numbers the blank and title pages as well.  But so many said they needed page numbers, I put them in and will just have to live with the extras.
    Book 5 is titled The Palmist and it is the first adventure that takes place on Treasus (a world that two of our characters create).  But like books 3 and 4, the story begins here on Earth.  As we go through our days, do we ever think about why we do the things we do?  Are we hoping to learn something, or trying to prove something?
    Book 6 is titled The Walking Picasso.  In it, our main character learns what is most important in his life and he learns the difficult lesson that who we choose as friends, can have a lasting and sometimes devastating affects on us.  This book also offers a puzzle; many of the names are character traits.  See if you can figure out what force rules each of their lives.
    Book 7 is the latest and next to the last volume in the Thordon series.  It is called The Search for Core and no, it is not a book about pilates.  Core is the son of Althus who was the God that created his world.  But Althus became twisted and cruel and was executed and banished.  All seemed right with the world until Core came up missing and Althus figured out a way to come back.  There is one thing different about this book though.  The cover is a combination of photo and original art.  I know, every book has had a photo, but it would be impossible to photograph 4 worlds in a night sky.  Hope you like it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Writing a novel or 2 or 9

   When I began writing the Thordon Series, I didn't intend to write an entire series of novels.  I didn't even intend to write a book.  I was bouncing ideas around for a role playing scenario.  I had promised to create a scenario for some of my sons and it all began with a ball being tossed.  That was when I came up with the idea of a magical spell that would envelope a castle and spirit away all of the kings of The Land East in an attempt to start a war.
   I went through everything it took to make the idea ready to play as a game. I created maps and set out lists and placements for what monsters or evils the heroes would have to face. What was supposed to be one campaign, grew to many.  And several of the young people in my little town played heroes and warriors in a new world called Thordon. It is funny, in the book when Rand Matrix finds a cursed scroll, it is written in the book just how my little brother David played it.  Each of the major battles in the series are written the way they were played out.  I never really delighted in gore, so it was hard for me to imagine it.  Each time the book reached a point where some battle was to take place, my kids would gather a group of their friends. I would hand them all character sheets and present them with the maps and situation and then watch and take notes.
    If any of you are gamers who enjoy roaming about an imaginary countryside in search of treasure or conquest, you will be pleased.  In the writing of the series, careful notes were kept about every magical item, spell and creature.  A compendium volume will follow the publishing of the series.  It will also contain maps of Thordon and of several places where action in the books led itself to gaming.  There are maps of the Cave of the Elderbrain from books 1 and 7  and the Prison of Souls from book 1.  There is Lex's Cathedral from 1 and the Temple of Life from book 8.  Diagrams and original sketches of  various weapons and the Keys of Thordon are in there as well.
    I realize that to some people, games like D&D or others like it are not something you do.  But there are a lot of people who do enjoy an ultimate getaway. To those folk, melting away the stress of the week is easy when you are saving a world or seeking the treasure of all treasures. I promise that when the Magic, Maps and Monsters of Thordon comes out, it will be a great addition to your gaming library.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today in Life

    I think it is interesting that we are able each day to begin anew as if it were not only a whole new day but also as if it were a whole new life. Today is the only day we have any control over.  We cannot change what we did yesterday or do anything stronger than plan for tomorrow. We can only control today. So, to be happy, we must.
    Someone once told me that they could not be perfect every day, but they could do all they could to be perfect today.  They could be diligent  today. They could be kind today. They could do all they could to be good and true and all the things we are supposed to be today.  And if they failed in some area, then they could repent and try to make up for their mistakes today.  Not wait for tomorrow, do something today.
    I, like each of you, have some days when I am more diligent, kind, and worthy than other days.  Some days I can't wait to sit at a computer and write and other days, I don't even want to walk into the office.  My point?  We are all human, we all have good days and bad days and we all have the power to decide what kind of day today will be.
   I do not have the power to decide what anyone else will do or be or think today.  I can not decide whether or not they will be nice, but I can and must decide that I will be nice back.  For my own sanity and self esteem, I decide how I will feel and how I will act.  And I hope, that what I write in this blog helps you feel and act better as well.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ads on the blog

   Today, I came to visit  with you in my blog and found myself face to face (sort of) with  a scantily clad woman who was obviously drawn to attract a certain kind of audience.  I apologize for this.  The ads on my blog help cover costs and I have very little control over what is advertised and how it is portrayed.  I was told there would be nothing pornographic but to me this is close.  As many of you know, I personally am a very modest person.  I would never wear something like this and considering my stature, that should please most folks. ;>
   When I created my books and my characters, I did not want to portray the sort of image that the world would have us believe that all creatures of fantasy are less than honorable.  My elves, dwarves, giants and even my monsters are hard working men and women who love the land and the Gods.  In case you haven't read any of my books, each one is perfectly appropriate for children to read or be read to.  My books and therefore my blog are and should be family friendly. Had I had the choice of what ads would appear, it would never have been one that I would have to cover my teen age grandsons' eyes about.
   I know, lots of people could care less what advertisements say or look like. But seeing this advertisement for some game disguised as a need for breast reduction surgery associated with my blog was offensive.  So, with my rant at an end, I hope that the ads shown on this blog do not  cause anyone distress in the future.  If  you ever see an ad that is offensive, please leave a comment and let me know.  Thanks so much and happy reading.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Stephan Lovengot

    Today, Stephan's picture got added to the blog but the person that Stephan was based on asked not to be depicted.  So, Stephan was removed.
    In book 1, Throdon's Shadows, Stephan describes himself as having absolutely white hair that was supposed to come from his father's kin; and brilliant blue eyes from his mother.  But creating his picture made me realize something.  In book 4, The History and Hooey of Thordon, one of Stephan's neighbors can't figure out how old Stephan is.  With white hair from birth, it is no wonder.
    Joe Barnes tells us, "I think the one thing we all agree on is that none of us who grew up around here remember old Stephan or his wife being any younger than they look right now.  Now I'm not saying that they're all that old. I'm just saying that they were both getting on in years when I used to sit in their tree and listen.  And now that my kids climb that same tree to get a better seat, well they're just not any older that's all."
    In books 1 and 2 Stephan, besides being our narrator, plays a major role in the workings of saving Thordon from its Shadows.  We learn in book 3, The Dark Rescue, that he is now a grandelder and passing down tales of heroism; but this time it seems the heroism is his son's.  In book 4 Stephan doesn't get to be the only story teller.  Shoren, Stephan's only son gets in on the action as do a family of neighbors who only want to know one thing.
   Is Thordon a real place where you could actually go?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Doing illustrations

   I spent the whole day yesterday working on illustrations of Crissen, Stephan, and some cover art for another author.  They are not complete yet.  But Crissen is close enough that I feel comfortable sharing her with you.  I plan on creating works of several of the major characters.  And eventually, there will be paintings and prints available for each of them.
   For those of you who have not yet read the books, Crissen is a very powerful elf mage from Mythrindell.  She is the daughter of the Ancient of Ages and much more than her appearance would lead you to understand..  Crissen has other special family members that step up and help in several of The Thordon Series.  We meet her and her husband (sort of) in Thordon's Shadows (book 1).  We meet her father in Journey of Mythrindell (book 2), and her son becomes a vital player in book 7, The Search for Core. Enjoy them all.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Journey of Mythrindell

I thought that today, I would tell you a little about book 2 called The Journey of Mythrindell.  In book 1 we got to meet Lex who had been redeemed.  But back when he had first been cursed, his grieving wife decided to go to the Shadowworld to search for him.  She knew that no creature of evil would tell a wholesome woman anything.  So, she disguised herself up as a pirate and named her ship The Death Knight.
   In The Journey of Mythrindell, Lex and two of our original company set out on a freighter to the Land West to find and rescue Cat.  But on their way there, they get captured by the very band of pirates that Cat leads.  The freighter crew cowered in fear.  Everyone knew the ship The Death Knight.  Is Cat the Pirate who Catherine the wife has really become?
   As Lex watched her command her crew and take control of the freighter, he was glad that Rand Matrix had disguised him as a creature of the Shadowworld.  He, Stark, and Rand needed to get invited to join the crew and see how Cat ran things before she knew who they really were. But after they joined the crew, things went much differently than any of them ever expected.   So much happens in the journey our heroes make to Mythrindell, you will have to read it for yourself. Enjoy it and then please, let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The rest of the stories

As per a request, I'm listing all of the titles of the Thordon series books so that as you finish one, you will know what to order for books 2 - 8.  #2 Journey of Mythrindell, #3 The Dark Rescue, #4 The History and Hooey of Thordon, #5 The Palmist, #6 The Walking Picasso, #7 The Spirit of Worlds, and #8 The Search for Core.  A few others are in the works as well.  There is another novel that I just started on which I will talk more about later and there is a compendium The Maps, Monsters and Magic of Thordon for those readers who enjoy role playing.  It has all the stats and details of each item, creature and place created for the series.

Thordon's Shadows

    Thordon's Shadows is the debut novel ( written for the young and young at heart ) introducing the world of Thordon and a group of heroes who willingly put the safety and peace of their world before themselves. What would you do if you heard an eerie noise and saw a castle enveloped by a magical sphere and carried away?  What would be your reaction if, when you gathered to offer aide, you came face to face with a weretigress and two giants?  Finding the castle and returning it to its proper place may not be all there is to saving the kings of The Land East kingdoms.  And returning those kings may not be the only task awaiting this particular group of heroes.
    Thordon's Shadows is the sort of story that you can curl up in a comfy chair, lose yourself and leave the stress of your day behind.  It is also one that you can feel good about reading to your children and opening their eyes to a whole new world of adventure.  There are more stories and more adventures coming in the Thordon Series.  I look forward to bringing you snippets and special treats about each of them.