Friday, March 4, 2011

Journey of Mythrindell

I thought that today, I would tell you a little about book 2 called The Journey of Mythrindell.  In book 1 we got to meet Lex who had been redeemed.  But back when he had first been cursed, his grieving wife decided to go to the Shadowworld to search for him.  She knew that no creature of evil would tell a wholesome woman anything.  So, she disguised herself up as a pirate and named her ship The Death Knight.
   In The Journey of Mythrindell, Lex and two of our original company set out on a freighter to the Land West to find and rescue Cat.  But on their way there, they get captured by the very band of pirates that Cat leads.  The freighter crew cowered in fear.  Everyone knew the ship The Death Knight.  Is Cat the Pirate who Catherine the wife has really become?
   As Lex watched her command her crew and take control of the freighter, he was glad that Rand Matrix had disguised him as a creature of the Shadowworld.  He, Stark, and Rand needed to get invited to join the crew and see how Cat ran things before she knew who they really were. But after they joined the crew, things went much differently than any of them ever expected.   So much happens in the journey our heroes make to Mythrindell, you will have to read it for yourself. Enjoy it and then please, let me know what you think.

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