Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today in Life

    I think it is interesting that we are able each day to begin anew as if it were not only a whole new day but also as if it were a whole new life. Today is the only day we have any control over.  We cannot change what we did yesterday or do anything stronger than plan for tomorrow. We can only control today. So, to be happy, we must.
    Someone once told me that they could not be perfect every day, but they could do all they could to be perfect today.  They could be diligent  today. They could be kind today. They could do all they could to be good and true and all the things we are supposed to be today.  And if they failed in some area, then they could repent and try to make up for their mistakes today.  Not wait for tomorrow, do something today.
    I, like each of you, have some days when I am more diligent, kind, and worthy than other days.  Some days I can't wait to sit at a computer and write and other days, I don't even want to walk into the office.  My point?  We are all human, we all have good days and bad days and we all have the power to decide what kind of day today will be.
   I do not have the power to decide what anyone else will do or be or think today.  I can not decide whether or not they will be nice, but I can and must decide that I will be nice back.  For my own sanity and self esteem, I decide how I will feel and how I will act.  And I hope, that what I write in this blog helps you feel and act better as well.

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