Friday, April 29, 2011

No Deep insight today just news

I wanted to give everyone some news today instead of insights or revelations about the books.  Hastings Books in Ogden Utah will be carrying all of my books.  They are ordering direct and I am doing a book signing there on June 25th from 1 to 5 pm.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just finished Into the Heart

Well I am excited. I just finished writing the story line for book 10, Into The Heart.  It is a love story between all of the worlds associated with Thordon and the deity that love them.  There are several deeply spiritual things and conversation in this volume that were only touched on in other books.  So when your children read it, be prepared for questions.  I had some impressions that someone out there has some challenges with how fair it is for a veil to be over our minds.  The Most High answers that very question as He is faced with premortal knowledge that would be too great a burden to carry while living his life on earth.  This novel helps tie all of the others together and it also makes a very special link between Thordon and Escellion (the world created by my sister A. J. Street in her new fantasy series).  Find them all through, and happy reading.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Beautiful worlds

      Today, I had the opportunity to drive up to a place called Bear Lake in northern Utah.  It is beautiful country.  The water of the lake is so blue and the mountains rise up straight out of the water straight up to the snow covered peaks.  In book 10 which will be titled Into The Heart our characters get the opportunity to visit several worlds.
      Some time ago in one of the earlier novels, I was able to create a second world and in the process had to decide what that world would look like.  In this story, there are 18 worlds that have to be considered.  Until I began writing about them, I hadn't thought about what sort of worlds each of the Most High's beloved sons and daughters would have made.  I have only written about 4 or 5 so far.  But if there is an idea you have for a world, Tell me about it.
      Think about it for a moment.  If you could reach a point in your progression where it became your job to create a new world, what would it look like?  Would it be rolling hills each heavily laden with fields of grains and orchards full of fruit?  Would it be covered in great woods and tall trees with babbling brooks and rushing rivers?  Would it be a sphere of water with floating islands that move about with the breezes that blow?  Or would it be a mix of many types of lands like our Earth is?  If you were creating it and what it looked like was totally up to you; what would it be?
      Would you create the races and then create landscapes to fit them?  Or would you make the lands and create races best suited to the land.  As you work though your own progression, what your final goals are might be part of what you consider.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What can you leave behind?

      Today is Easter and while many think of cuddly bunnies and fluffy chicks and eggs and candy, my thoughts are turned to the source of my talents, blessings and abilities.  If you can't tell from my books, I am a person who believes that faith is essential for a happy life.  This morning in church, someone asked a question that I think is worth contemplation and passing along.
       She was talking about when the angels asked Mary, "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" She brought up that when He arose, he left the pains and sorrows of the world behind him in that tomb.  Her next question was the one that got my attention.  "What mortal fear or flaw can we leave behind in His tomb?"
      Now that may seem strange when you first hear it.  But think about it for a minute.  The purpose of the attonement and much of his ministry was to teach us how to become like him.  If He, knowing all things left things behind that no longer mattered, why can't we do the same?  Is there a reason we hold on to our weaknesses?
      When law enforcement officers rescue kidnap victims who have been held for long periods, they sometimes find that the victims are not thrilled about being rescued.  They have been in the bad situation so long that it had become comfortable, easy.  Our flaws can be like that.  Let's say you hate confrontations.  So, when you cannot be what someone else needs or wants, you avoid them and avoid the confrontation.  But when the person you avoid is a creditor or a boss, avoiding the confrontation actually leads to more confrontations.
      If we can strive to break out of our comfort zones and leave our mortal flaws behind in that tomb, we will all be better for it.  It's hard and scary.  But a quote I heard today sums it up.  "I didn't say it would be easy.  I only said it would be worth it."  Happy Easter everyone.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


      In the book I am working on, the subject has turned to dealing with grief.  So often, especially when dealing with youth, the way people deal with grief is to pretend that it isn't there.  I can't count how often I have heard adults say that children do not understand heartache.  So they just don't bring it up or ever talk about it with their little ones.  Folks, that isn't fair.  My husband died when my children ranged in age from infants to young teens and trust me, everyone of those hearts felt pain.  It was different for each of them because each of them had a different relationship with him.  But no matter what they felt, they all felt something.
      I do not pretend to be any sort of expert when it comes to talking about grief or trauma with children.  But with things going the way they have been in our world, we cannot afford to wait for experts.  I understand that it is hard to tell your kids that you can't afford to make that trip to the amusement park this year.  For some families, it is can't afford an ice cream cone or new shoes.  Your children are not blind.  They aren't stupid either.  Take the time to sit down and talk together as a family about what is happening in your home.  Whether it is the loss of a loved one, loss of income and lifestyle or whatever; if you sit down and talk about it together then you can work out solutions together. Children who grow up dealing with things become adults who know how to deal with things.  And isn't that the goal we all have as parents?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do you know what a Dryad is?

      I was talking about the books with some people at a single's dance and one of them asked how I came up with ideas for the characters and creatures in my books.  One of the group was also a writer and tried to explain that dryads and many of the other creatures in my books were established in fantasy.  Someone else asked me yesterday if my books were about the Lord of the Rings because one of them has Mythrindell in the title.  With all this confusion, I thought it might serve my readers if I explained a bit about which creatures and places and things are new and which ones have existed before I began writing.
      Ok, first and probably most important, no, my books are not a take off on J. R. R. Tolkien's work.  Mythril is one of those established items.  It is a metal that, when woven into a cloth, cannot be pierced.  Tolkien may have been the first person to create it.  I mean he wrote the Hobbit before I was born and I have grandchildren who have read it.  But none the less, it existed before I began writing.  In my books, Mythrindell is a place where the most ancient of all elves originated.  It happens also to be a place where Mythril is mined.
      Most people recognize that elves, gnomes, dwarves, dragons and creatures like gnolls, orcs and trolls are established.  But you may not know that so are treants, voadkin and dryads.  Voadkin are a race of giant elves that live in and truly love the wood.  They are not just large elves.  They are giants,  but are closely related to the elves just not as magical.  Dryads however are almost all magic.
      In very ancient woods the two of the creatures who care for the wood are treants and Dryads.  Treants are creatures that look as if they are very large and very old trees.  Most folk never see them or at least never know they have seen them because unless they speak to you, you could walk right through a forest of treants and never realize it.  Dryads, also live in the wood but differently.
      Dryads live in the hearts of ancient trees.  Yes actually in the trees, not in the hollow centers.  They meld with the wood and become part of the tree.  In usual circumstances, no woman ever sees a dryad and usually only handsome or careless young men do.  Dryads are only women and they usually only step from their trees to take mates of handsome men who wander alone too close to their trees.  Or they take slaves of men who have done something to destroy a part of their wood.  The legend of dryads go back to the times of the druids.  Some thought the legend was created just to keep ruffians from chopping down the woods for spite.  Others believe that dryads were real and some even believe that they still exists in the oldest woods in some parts of the world.
      As for what creatures are new and out of my imagination?  Well, as the books were being written, I kept careful records of every spell, magical item, map and creature that were created.  Believe it or not, there is an entire volume that will be available titled The Magic & Maps of Thordon that will eventually be available with the other books.  Since we had begun the books based on role playing game ideas, we thought others might want to have the stats and racial details of newly created beings from the books so they could also play them. I apologize that it will be a while before it is available.  When it was written, it was done on an OLD word processor and printed in dot matrix.  I have to retype the entire thing and update illustrations before I can publish it.  It will be the hardest of all the books to get ready.  If I can get them done, it will include illustrations of many if not all of the major characters of all of the books as well.  All I can say is thank goodness for photoshop and my art degree.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Other Blogs and Authors

     I came across a new blog here on blogspot that I think some of you might enjoy stopping by.  It is called  I am planning on giving them info on my books to see what they think.  I do not know anything about them other than what they do.  So I can't say if you or I will agree with their opinions.  But it is worth a shot.
     Another person of interest is actually one of my followers.  Her name is A.J. Street and she just released her first full length fantasy novel.  I understand that she is like me in that when she began writing the book, it wanted to be more than what could be told in only one volume.  So watch for several books from her in the future. I have read her work.  Our styles are very different, but it is a terrific read.  I look forward to see the others in the series come out.  I understand that in a short time, she will also open a blog like this one.  I look forward to becoming a follower.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I just learned the connection

      I told you yesterday that when I write, the story reveals itself to me like it does when you open it to read.  Well last night, I learned how book 10 and the other books are connected.  If you have read The World of Spirits, you remember a man named Trenax.  He had been a healer who had a special understanding of injuries to trees.
    Last night, I learned that he is now married to Alisterra and today, he is going to help Aaron tend a very special damaged oak.  When I first started writing about Aaron, his story sounded a lot like Trenax's and I wondered if what I was writing was more about his story.  But then last night, they met.and Trenax offered to help him today.  I don't know yet where this is going but when I find out, I'll let you know.  By the way, I still need a title.  If you have a suggestion, let me know.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

About book 10

      I love it when a story begins to reveal itself to me as I'm writing it.  I began the process of writing book 10 today.  Now you should understand that all those professors and author guides that tell you to create an outline, then summarize each chapter, develop all of your characters and then begin writing your novel have probably never written a novel.  For me, it all begins with an opening line.  On this book (which I don't know the title of yet) the only thing I was sure of was that at least one character would be a dryad named Alisterra.  But I could not begin writing until I had been given the first line.  Once it came, the story began to flow.
      It may sound funny but for me, writing a novel is a lot like you reading it for the first time.  When I sit down at the computer to write, I usually do not know what is going to happen anymore than you do.  I hear the conversations, I see the scenes, and I witness the action as it flows from my fingers through the keyboard to the page.  A week ago when I knew that another story wanted to come out; I had no idea what or who that story was about.  Even now that chapter one is complete, I still don't know where it is going.  But I do know one thing.  I won't publish it until we can both enjoy reading it over and over.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Who are we?

      When I walk down the street or stop in at stores or other businesses I see people that I doubt see themselves the way I see them.  Now wait, I'm not crazy.  Hear me out.  There was a fellow in my old town who I swear had to have been a dragon at one time in his existence.  He was old and a bit grisled and acted as if everyone he met was some thief trying to break into his horde to steal his treasure.  As with most dragons, there always seemed to be something mysterious about him and so several local children dared each other to one day do exactly as he feared everyone might.
      I have met women at church who surely must have been inn keepers' wives; and several young men and women who barely hid the hero personas under military uniforms and missionary suits.  I have met burly dwarves who only thought of themselves as working men, and delicate elves posing as human children.  Inside each of us are magical and wonderful  creatures that often only escape during our dreams.
      It makes me wonder if all people who become writers have somehow tapped into their dream selves.  After all, many of my stories came to me in dreams.  But if all writers used their own dream selves to write; then some of them must be very unhappy people or perhaps nightmares are what they choose to share in their stories.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Fun!

     I had a neat opportunity.  KSL 5, a local tv station, posed a question about if anyone ever used facebook to promote themselves to get a better job.  I posted that I used facebook to promote my books and this blog.  Well, sure enough the story made the news and my comments were the top of the list.  So The Thordon Series got a area wide plug on TV.  Yeah!  When each of you read the books or follow this blog, tell your friends.  I can't wait until we get the opportunity to be seen and known nationwide.  Knowing how hard it can be to find good books for young people to read, every break is a good one.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting into the mind of characters.

    When I first began writing, some of the characters were created by some of my children.  But the ones that came from my imagination presented an interesting predicament.  My writing style is very conversational.  My characters talk to you when you read.  But to write so that they can do that requires that I know them inside and out.  Very often when people sit down with a good book, they never think about what the writers may have had to do to put pen to paper.
      Writing Cat's point of view was relatively easy.  She was a woman who respected herself, loved her family, and wanted the best for people she knew.  Been there, done that.  But writing about the villains is harder.  In the first few books, when I had to write about a battle scene, I would have my kids call all of their friends over.  We would give each one of them one of the characters in the book to portray.  I would tell them the situation and show them maps and let them play the situations as role playing games.  Then I took notes.
      But in some of the books, I had to write from the perspective of some really unpleasant people.  Having to step into Gadiumtan's mindset or look at the world as if you were Dalvar can be at the least very taxing.  When I am writing from those perspectives, I often find myself having to step away from the computer just to clear my thoughts.  I think sometimes out lives are like that.
      Do you ever catch yourself feeling overwhelmed by the stresses or anger that others have thrown at you?  I became a member of the CERT team and I learned that in disasters, many people who get involved become overwhelmed like that.  Sometimes, it is a victim that does not handle chaos well, but just as often, it can be the rescuers who break down.  When you are in a situation where someone (accidentally or on purpose) makes you feel like you need a spiritual bath, take a moment, step back, read a book, breathe deep, go for a walk.  Years ago, I received a casset titled Bounce Back.  It had one quote that I love and I believe is good advice for everyone.  "What you do is not as important as that you do something."  When you are at your breaking point, step away and do something and then, begin again.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Encourage your friends to come to this blog.

      Each day, I do several things.  I write on my books, I check in on facebook, I check my e-mail, and I write in this blog.  Now that may seem like I'm not getting anything accomplished but that is not true.  There are other things I also do but those things that I listed accomplish a lot.  For one thing, this blog actually helps me support myself.  The ads that you see on this blog pay me each time someone clicks on an ad.  Even if you do not purchase anything, just clicking on them helps.  It also helps if the ads are just viewed.  So encourage your friends to stop by and see what they think.
    The people who register as followers will also be given special discount codes and information that allow them to  purchase the books at about the same price book stores pay for the books.  Even if you stop by every day, it will help us both if you register as a follower.  Obviously, this blog is very new so not many people know about it yet.  Spreading the word will be more than appreciated.  But it will also help me serve each of you better.  If those of you who do stop by have something that you would like for me to talk about, this is where you can let me know that.  This is your avenue for feedback, comments and questions.  I would love for this blog to be a gathering place for events, writers, students, everyone.  Stop by, read some of the posts, click on what ads interest you and become a followers.  Let me know what you think.  I really do want to hear from you.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How the books tie together

In Thordon's Shadows we got to meet the first of our characters for the series.  They work together to save the kings of the Land East and prevent war.  One of those we meet in book 1 is Lex.  He is the father of Alexander (one of those original heroes) and he was redeemed from a curse.  In Journey of Mythrindell Lex goes to the Shadoworld to find and rescue his wife Cat.  In book 3 The Dark Rescue, Lex and Cat welcome Stephan's son Shoren on his first visit to Thordon.  The three of them, along with Dungeon who was one of Cat's crew, help the kin and kind of Thordon against a whole new enemy.  In The History & Hooey of Thordon, Shoren helps tell the stories of Thordon and other worlds that he had visited.  One of those worlds is Treasesus.  In book 5 The Palmist, a new set of heroes get to know each other on that very world.  In Book 6 The Walking Picasso we meet a man who has fallen under a terrible curse.  One of those who help him break the curse is Dungeon's son Wepor.  In book 7 The Search for Core, Wepor, his sister, and the sons of both Crissen and Molosi (who we meet in book 3) search several worlds to find Core and keep an evil demon lord from taking over a world.  The World of Spirits which is book 8 takes place in the very cavern where Crissen depends on her husband to help save the kings in book 1.  In one way or another, all of the first 8 novels are connected to each other. They are each stand alone stories but they are connected.  Only book 9 The Game and Gadiumtan is not connected to the other stories.  Every character is new for that book.  There will be more books and the world where The Game and Gadiumtan takes place, may be a new world where some of those stories will come to life.  I hope you take the time to read and enjoy all of the stories.  They are available in paperback and on kindle.  In the next weeks and months, I am going to be tackling the task of getting them onto cds so you can listen while you drive.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I love sharing Ideas

      Saturday evening, I had the opportunity to visit with several writers.  We discussed book ideas, publishing tips, and other topics about everything from illustrations to finding an agent.  Many of the novels that I have written have characters or situations that were suggested to me by family or friends.  There was one character that was considered useless by his creator.  Another story was written because of someone wanted to be included in the books as payment for graphics work she did on maps and magical items.  Several of the original book's characters were created by family members who played them in role playing games.
      So, what is my point?  Well, part of it is that while some of those who gave me ideas or characters did so in an effort to help write the books.  Others gave them because they didn't feel they had any value. Of course, as a writer, I see characters as if they are real people waiting to have their stories told.  But folks, there are more stories to be told.  It is a little like a treasure hunt.
      Finding a great story may begin with an opening line popping into your head.  It may be someone with a wonderful name like Alisterra, That begs to be something magical and truly beautiful.  It may be a situation that comes to life in a dream or it could be a bit of scenery that looks like an ancient castle in the distance.  Whether you are writing a story, sharing ideas with someone you know, painting a picture or singing a song; every hint of creativity is a gift that should be given life.
      If you don't think you have it in you to give life to those hints, then find someone to help you.  You can work with a co-writer or even hire a ghost writer.  Be warned though; since a ghost writer isn't going to have their name on the book, and so not get ongoing royalties as high as a co-author, they may charge you a lot.  But if you have an idea, go with it.  There are people who do illustrations who can help you out, even experts who can give you advice.  If you can't paint, learn to use photoshop or even better take a class at your local college.  Enjoy, and let me know where your journey is taking you.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Kudos earned and Thanks given

Yesterday, I told you that I finished book 9 The Game and Gadiumtan.  Well, I knew exactly what image I needed for the cover art, but I didn't have it.  Since all of my book covers are my own work, I was in a fix.  For me to get the photo I needed, I was going to have to drive to Colorado.  But a friend from facebook named Dr. Lawrence Erdile saved me.  He recently went to Mesa Verde and had some beautiful photos that he offered to share with me.  I took one of them and created a painting based on his photo.  So instead of having to wait weeks before I could get that picture, the book was submitted today for publishing.
    As a side note, several of my grandchildren asked to be included in my next book.  I have more grandchildren than would fit into this novel.  But the following characters have very special names.  Thomas - aide to the king, Justin - king of elves, Nathan - chief of voadkin,  KennethOneil - king of dwarves, Lauren - queen of halflings, Ashlyn - Inn keeper who sets action in progress, Corbin - prince of halflings, Addison - maid to the king, and Abbey who is one of the 3 main characters and a huge heroine for the whole story.
     I began writing this story just after Abbey was born.  But it sat unfinished in my computer for a decade.  As more stories come out, more grandchildren will become characters.  Many of these names will probably become more in depth characters in later books  But for now, they can each tell their friends that the book is about them.