Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How the books tie together

In Thordon's Shadows we got to meet the first of our characters for the series.  They work together to save the kings of the Land East and prevent war.  One of those we meet in book 1 is Lex.  He is the father of Alexander (one of those original heroes) and he was redeemed from a curse.  In Journey of Mythrindell Lex goes to the Shadoworld to find and rescue his wife Cat.  In book 3 The Dark Rescue, Lex and Cat welcome Stephan's son Shoren on his first visit to Thordon.  The three of them, along with Dungeon who was one of Cat's crew, help the kin and kind of Thordon against a whole new enemy.  In The History & Hooey of Thordon, Shoren helps tell the stories of Thordon and other worlds that he had visited.  One of those worlds is Treasesus.  In book 5 The Palmist, a new set of heroes get to know each other on that very world.  In Book 6 The Walking Picasso we meet a man who has fallen under a terrible curse.  One of those who help him break the curse is Dungeon's son Wepor.  In book 7 The Search for Core, Wepor, his sister, and the sons of both Crissen and Molosi (who we meet in book 3) search several worlds to find Core and keep an evil demon lord from taking over a world.  The World of Spirits which is book 8 takes place in the very cavern where Crissen depends on her husband to help save the kings in book 1.  In one way or another, all of the first 8 novels are connected to each other. They are each stand alone stories but they are connected.  Only book 9 The Game and Gadiumtan is not connected to the other stories.  Every character is new for that book.  There will be more books and the world where The Game and Gadiumtan takes place, may be a new world where some of those stories will come to life.  I hope you take the time to read and enjoy all of the stories.  They are available in paperback and on kindle.  In the next weeks and months, I am going to be tackling the task of getting them onto cds so you can listen while you drive.

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