Thursday, April 14, 2011

Other Blogs and Authors

     I came across a new blog here on blogspot that I think some of you might enjoy stopping by.  It is called  I am planning on giving them info on my books to see what they think.  I do not know anything about them other than what they do.  So I can't say if you or I will agree with their opinions.  But it is worth a shot.
     Another person of interest is actually one of my followers.  Her name is A.J. Street and she just released her first full length fantasy novel.  I understand that she is like me in that when she began writing the book, it wanted to be more than what could be told in only one volume.  So watch for several books from her in the future. I have read her work.  Our styles are very different, but it is a terrific read.  I look forward to see the others in the series come out.  I understand that in a short time, she will also open a blog like this one.  I look forward to becoming a follower.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to see the fantasy critic, but it said "blog not found."
