I told you yesterday that when I write, the story reveals itself to me like it does when you open it to read. Well last night, I learned how book 10 and the other books are connected. If you have read The World of Spirits, you remember a man named Trenax. He had been a healer who had a special understanding of injuries to trees.
Last night, I learned that he is now married to Alisterra and today, he is going to help Aaron tend a very special damaged oak. When I first started writing about Aaron, his story sounded a lot like Trenax's and I wondered if what I was writing was more about his story. But then last night, they met.and Trenax offered to help him today. I don't know yet where this is going but when I find out, I'll let you know. By the way, I still need a title. If you have a suggestion, let me know.
Do you know why the forestry agent got fired? He was barking up the wrong tree.