Monday, April 4, 2011

I love sharing Ideas

      Saturday evening, I had the opportunity to visit with several writers.  We discussed book ideas, publishing tips, and other topics about everything from illustrations to finding an agent.  Many of the novels that I have written have characters or situations that were suggested to me by family or friends.  There was one character that was considered useless by his creator.  Another story was written because of someone wanted to be included in the books as payment for graphics work she did on maps and magical items.  Several of the original book's characters were created by family members who played them in role playing games.
      So, what is my point?  Well, part of it is that while some of those who gave me ideas or characters did so in an effort to help write the books.  Others gave them because they didn't feel they had any value. Of course, as a writer, I see characters as if they are real people waiting to have their stories told.  But folks, there are more stories to be told.  It is a little like a treasure hunt.
      Finding a great story may begin with an opening line popping into your head.  It may be someone with a wonderful name like Alisterra, That begs to be something magical and truly beautiful.  It may be a situation that comes to life in a dream or it could be a bit of scenery that looks like an ancient castle in the distance.  Whether you are writing a story, sharing ideas with someone you know, painting a picture or singing a song; every hint of creativity is a gift that should be given life.
      If you don't think you have it in you to give life to those hints, then find someone to help you.  You can work with a co-writer or even hire a ghost writer.  Be warned though; since a ghost writer isn't going to have their name on the book, and so not get ongoing royalties as high as a co-author, they may charge you a lot.  But if you have an idea, go with it.  There are people who do illustrations who can help you out, even experts who can give you advice.  If you can't paint, learn to use photoshop or even better take a class at your local college.  Enjoy, and let me know where your journey is taking you.

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